Devana Parish Church
Holburn Street
Charity Information
The work of South Holburn is only made possible thanks to the regular givings of our congregation and the other donations that we receive. Financial contributions can be made in a number of ways.
For some people, the easiest and most convenient way to give is through a monthly Standing Order. Arrangements can be made for this through your bank.
Alternatively, many people use weekly offering envelopes. These enable you to set your offering aside regularly, even if you are unable to be in church every Sunday.
Regular payments can also be made by cheque. (Unlike some supermarkets, we still accept them!)
Cash donations can also be given in the offering bags on Sunday mornings.
Like all congregations of the Church of Scotland, South Holburn is a registered charity. This recognises that our congregation is a religious body and that much of our work is done for the benefit of others. As a consequence, if you are a tax-payer and choose to give by standing order, envelopes or cheque, then it is possible to do so under the Gift Aid scheme. As a registered charity our congregation is able to reclaim any tax that has been paid on your givings. The procedures for this are straightforward and confidential.
In addition to all of the above, South Holburn has been supported in the past by members who have arranged to leave a legacy. The best means of organising this is to consult a solicitor.
If you wish further information on any of the above methods of supporting South Holburn, then please contact us at
The following link leads to our congregation’s most recent Annual Report and Accounts which have been submitted to The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Annual Report and Accounts 2021 (1198KB)
Further documents of interest